Disconnect to Reconnect: Benefits of Family Digital Detox

Jun 27, 2024

Let’s face it: the idea of a digital detox (or “technology time-out”) sounds about as appealing to your t(w)eenagers losing all of their hard-earned Snapchat streaks. What will happen if they are unable to communicate with their besties or boos at their whim? Consider what an announcement like this would look like. You, brave-faced parent, standing before your teens/tweens and announcing a “no screens” weekend. It would be an uprising – a coup! But, fear not, there is a light at the end of this screen-free tunnel! 

The Great Technology Battle: Brace Yourself

First things first: prepare for resistance. Intentional technology disconnection will not go over well, initially!! But the benefits of disconnecting to reconnect are worth every eye roll and dramatic sigh. Remember, we’re not monsters – we just want to reclaim some quality family time before our kids completely forget what our faces look like without a screen’s glow. Screen time is not where memories are made.

Rediscover the Lost Art of Conversation

Ah, conversation – that ancient skill where people talk to each other without emojis or auto-correct. Do people still do that? Yes, yes they do. Use this time to chat! I can tell you that, often, conversations with our girls begin with detailing the latest Tik Tok trend or a funny reel. That is ok!! But then take it a little further – “why was that so funny”? “Is that really a good product for you – how do you know? What do you like about this influencer?” “I see you follow X person. What about them interests you?” Dig deeper! A digital detox is like finding buried treasure – you never know what gems you’ll uncover.

And for those who are really brave. “Ok, teach me this dance”…usually followed by hilarity. 

Activities That Don’t Involve Technology? Gasp!

Break out those dusty board games and deck of cards. Imagine the fun (and occasional family feud) of Monopoly, or the sheer nostalgia of Uno. These games are like relics from a forgotten era, but they’re fantastic for family bonding. And hey, they even teach valuable lessons: like how to be a gracious winner or a graceful loser. 

At our house, Sorry is huge! My husband is constantly trying to form alliances that break down half-way through the game and it is every person for themselves! 

Outdoor Adventures: The Original Multiplayer Game

Remember the great outdoors? That place with trees and fresh air? Drag your kids out of the house for a hike, bike ride, or a simple walk in the park. Expect there to be grumbling. Instead of arguing back, show them how you like to spend your time outdoors. 

Here in SC, often it is WAY too hot to be outside, so ensure you are all being careful and responsible. (Yes, that is my PSA.)

The Detox Aftermath

Will your kids hate you for imposing a technology time-out? Probably. Will they survive? Definitely. And you just might find that, despite the initial rebellion, your family becomes closer, more connected, and maybe even grateful for the time spent together – at least until they can get back to their screens.

So, gear up, parents! Embrace the challenge, and remember: every eye roll and groan is a step closer to reconnecting with your kids in the real world. Good luck, and may the Wi-Fi be ever out of reach (just for a little while). And, if things are really going sideways and you need a sounding board, don’t hesitate to reach out to me!


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